Christmas Surprise

When I stopped by the church Saturday I was surprised to find a very large Christmas package on the platform along with a note that read “to be opened by Pastor Ken during announcements.”

It never crossed my mind that it might be for me. I had the feeling that one of the elders, who just happened to be out of town this weekend, had left it as something special for the church family. I tried reaching him on his cell phone but he did not answer and did not return my call.

My next plan was to ask the chairman of the elders on Sunday if he knew anything about it. But it turned out that he was out of town as well.

Having been the brunt of many a practical joke in my life, I was a little hesitant to open an unknown package from an unknown source in front of my church family. But after being reassured by a few of the church members that it was alright I went ahead and opened the package.

As I began to open the package the praise team began singing a song about “pastor has a new chainsaw.” Only then did I realize that this package was for me. When I finally got the box opened I was surprised to find a brand new Stihl chainsaw. I was shocked and actually speechless (a rare state for me.)

The church family shouted “Merry Christmas, Ken!” What a terrific gift. I recently went out with a dear friend from church to get some firewood. We brought back two trailer loads of Aspen logs but I have not had the time to cut them up into firewood yet. I’ve needed a good chainsaw as mine is not in the best of shape. This Christmas surprise was the perfect gift.

Thank you to my church family at Norwood Christian Church. You will never know how much this gift means to me. It’s more than just a chainsaw. Your thoughtfulness in meeting my family’s needs at just the right time is incredibly generous. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done and continue to do for me and my family.

Merry Christmas to you all!
Pastor Ken Lawrence

One Response to Christmas Surprise

  1. Abigail says:

    Awww…that sounds like such a blessing. What a wonderful congregation you have!

    Merry Christmas!

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